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Marlene Assmann and Tony Khoueiry

Women Win

Tony Khoueiry

Mahan Mobashery

Marlene Assmann

Pedro Marques

IDLeaks Awards video contest, Netherlands

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2014, HD, 01:20, Colour

On my research about how early marriges affect the lives of women and girls, I was shocked. One third of the girls living in this world are married before the age of 1, while at the same time pregnancies are the leading cause of death for girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19. 

For this video I collected testimonals of girls that are part of sport programs that Women Win is running in different countries. The girls are proving the point that by playing sport they gain time before marriage to make better choices in life. 


This video was done for Women Win's campain for the international women's day on March 8th 2014 and and published online on vimeo. 

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